Niagara 4540 1/10/25/40/100G 進階型網路流量複製器|導流器
Niagara 4540 1/10/25/40/100G 進階型網路流量複製器|導流器
◆Packet Slicing封包裁切
◆流量1:1轉 Netflow/IPFIX
◆Tool Chain可串接多台inline工具
◆SSL/TLS解密、GTP Correlation
◆Packet Slicing封包裁切
◆流量1:1轉 Netflow/IPFIX
◆Tool Chain可串接多台inline工具
◆SSL/TLS解密、GTP Correlation

原廠:Niagara Networks
◆Packet Slicing封包裁切
◆流量1:1轉 Netflow/IPFIX
◆Tool Chain可串接多台inline工具
◆SSL/TLS解密、GTP Correlation
◆Packet Slicing封包裁切
◆流量1:1轉 Netflow/IPFIX
◆Tool Chain可串接多台inline工具
◆SSL/TLS解密、GTP Correlation

100G 高密度開放可視性流量複製器
Niagara 4540 是Niagara Fixed Network Packet Broker 產品線的一部分,該產品線由 1U 高密度、高性能的流量複製器組成,並具備開放可視性平台功能。 開放可視性平台的進階功能將 NPB 轉變為智能跨連接設備,支持去重複化、NetFlow/IPFIX 生成、TLS/SSL 解密等網路智能應用。
Niagara 4540 支援多達 28 個 40/100Gb 埠,以及額外的 8 個 10/25Gb 埠。所有埠都連接到非阻塞交換架構,確保所有埠組合在全線速下無超額使用, 確保100%不掉包,並實現從任何埠到任何埠的完整交換和線速連接。
Niagara 4540 是一個功能全面的封包代理,不僅具備聚合功能,還支持複製、高級過濾、負載平衡、隧道支援等多種功能。Niagara 4540 採用了 Niagara Network 的 FabricFlow 技術,該技術是系統全面封包代理功能的核心,負責來源端與目的端埠之間流量關係的映射。
高介面密度• 高達28埠40/100Gb,加上8埠1/10/25Gb網路介面
• 減少佔據面積、節省能源、空間與降溫
交換器結構(Switching Fabric)
• 3.2Tb 雙向背板頻寬
叢集能力(Clustering Capabilities)
• 堆疊多台設備,可以使用任意埠彼此相連
Open Visibility PlatformTM 啟用
• 高達兩片背部 PacketronTM 模組,支援最高達200G封包處理能力(視啟用進階功能種類與數目)
• 網路智能應用程式支援(Network Intelligence applications)
• 第三方虛擬應用軟體支援
Fabric FlowTM

• 匯聚多個輸入流量給單一輸出埠
• 複製輸入流量給多個輸出埠
• 多樣化的流量過濾條件 - L2-L4, User Defined Byte (UDB)
• 通道協議處理(Tunnel handling):
• GTP 封包過濾
• GRE 終端處理
• MPLS 過濾與去除表頭
• VXLAN 過濾與去除表頭
• VLAN 支援包括過濾、去除表頭與修改
• 多樣且彈性的流量負載平衡政策
• Layer 2 to Layer 4 hashing 條件
• Port utilization based load balancing
• Session stickiness
• 虛擬bypass網段(virtual bypass segment),提供進階服務鏈(service chaining)功能
• Ingress / egress 埠的過濾條件設定,以及內部運作的流量迴路(loopback)設定,創造高效、多層次的封包過濾條件。
• 過濾條件模板,提供快速的過濾設定與條件的重複使用。
• 健全的指令列使用者設定介面(CLI)• 友善的圖形化網頁使用者設定介面
• REST API介面支援第三方功能整合
• 可透過Niagara可視化中控軟體管理
Specifications | |
Height | 1.72 inches (43.70 mm) |
Length | 24.0 inches (609.60 mm) |
Width | 17.3 inches (439.42 mm) |
Weight | 25.6 lb (11.4 kg) |
Operating Temp | 32-104°F (0-40°C) |
Operating Humidity | 5-95% |
Max Power | 481.32 Watts (w/o Packetron module) 724.52 Watts (with two Pacektron modules) |
BTU/hr | 1642.33 (w/o Packeron modules) 2472.16(with two Pacektron modules) |
Airflow | Front to back |
DC | 40-60V DC, 20-15A |
AC | 90-264V AC, 50-60Hz, 8-4A |
Max Current | 10A @ 115V AC, 5A @ 230V AC, 14.38A @ 40V DC |
Emissions | Immunity |
FCC Part 15B, ICES 003, EN55032 | EN55024 |
Safety | Certifications |
UL/CSA 60950-1, EN 60950-1, IEC 60950-1, UL 62368 CB Scheme with all country differences |
North America (NRTL) European Union (EU) VCCI (Japan) 2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive 2014/30/EU EMC Directive 2011/65/EU RoHS Directive 2012/19/EU WEEE Directive |
Part Numbers
Part Number | Description |
4540-MN-16P-AC | 4540 main chassis AC, includes two field replaceable power supply units and two field replaceable fan units. Supports 28 ports of 40/100Gb and 8 ports of 10/25Gb ports. OVP Enabled for up to 2 rear Packetron modules (hardware modules and applications sold separately). Includes License for 16 ports of 40/100Gb, 8 ports of 10/25Gb. Transceivers sold and ordered separately. |
4540-MN-16P-DC | 4540 main chassis DC, includes two field replaceable power supply units and two field replaceable fan units. Supports 28 ports of 40/100Gb and 8 ports of 10/25Gb. OVP Enabled for up to 2 rear Packetron modules (hardware modules and applications sold separately). Includes License for 16 ports of 40/100Gb, 8 ports of 10/25Gb. Transceivers sold and ordered separately. |
4540-LC-28P | 4540 license upgrade to activate ports 17 through 28 (40/100GbE) |
FXD-PKTRN-A-L1 | Packetron processor acceleration module. Rear module. Up to 100Gbps processing. Includes Packet Slicing software licensing. 64GB RAM. 1T SSD, for FixedBroker product line. |
FXD-PKTRN-A-H1 | Packetron processor acceleration module. Rear module. Up to 100Gbps processing. Includes Packet Slicing software licensing. 96GB RAM. 1TB SSD, for FixedBroker product line. |
高介面密度• 高達28埠40/100Gb,加上8埠1/10/25Gb網路介面
• 減少佔據面積、節省能源、空間與降溫
交換器結構(Switching Fabric)
• 3.2Tb 雙向背板頻寬
叢集能力(Clustering Capabilities)
• 堆疊多台設備,可以使用任意埠彼此相連
Open Visibility PlatformTM 啟用
• 高達兩片背部 PacketronTM 模組,支援最高達200G封包處理能力(視啟用進階功能種類與數目)
• 網路智能應用程式支援(Network Intelligence applications)
• 第三方虛擬應用軟體支援
Fabric FlowTM

• 匯聚多個輸入流量給單一輸出埠
• 複製輸入流量給多個輸出埠
• 多樣化的流量過濾條件 - L2-L4, User Defined Byte (UDB)
• 通道協議處理(Tunnel handling):
• GTP 封包過濾
• GRE 終端處理
• MPLS 過濾與去除表頭
• VXLAN 過濾與去除表頭
• VLAN 支援包括過濾、去除表頭與修改
• 多樣且彈性的流量負載平衡政策
• Layer 2 to Layer 4 hashing 條件
• Port utilization based load balancing
• Session stickiness
• 虛擬bypass網段(virtual bypass segment),提供進階服務鏈(service chaining)功能
• Ingress / egress 埠的過濾條件設定,以及內部運作的流量迴路(loopback)設定,創造高效、多層次的封包過濾條件。
• 過濾條件模板,提供快速的過濾設定與條件的重複使用。
• 健全的指令列使用者設定介面(CLI)• 友善的圖形化網頁使用者設定介面
• REST API介面支援第三方功能整合
• 可透過Niagara可視化中控軟體管理
Specifications | |
Height | 1.72 inches (43.70 mm) |
Length | 24.0 inches (609.60 mm) |
Width | 17.3 inches (439.42 mm) |
Weight | 25.6 lb (11.4 kg) |
Operating Temp | 32-104°F (0-40°C) |
Operating Humidity | 5-95% |
Max Power | 481.32 Watts (w/o Packetron module) 724.52 Watts (with two Pacektron modules) |
BTU/hr | 1642.33 (w/o Packeron modules) 2472.16(with two Pacektron modules) |
Airflow | Front to back |
DC | 40-60V DC, 20-15A |
AC | 90-264V AC, 50-60Hz, 8-4A |
Max Current | 10A @ 115V AC, 5A @ 230V AC, 14.38A @ 40V DC |
Emissions | Immunity |
FCC Part 15B, ICES 003, EN55032 | EN55024 |
Safety | Certifications |
UL/CSA 60950-1, EN 60950-1, IEC 60950-1, UL 62368 CB Scheme with all country differences |
North America (NRTL) European Union (EU) VCCI (Japan) 2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive 2014/30/EU EMC Directive 2011/65/EU RoHS Directive 2012/19/EU WEEE Directive |
Part Numbers
Part Number | Description |
4540-MN-16P-AC | 4540 main chassis AC, includes two field replaceable power supply units and two field replaceable fan units. Supports 28 ports of 40/100Gb and 8 ports of 10/25Gb ports. OVP Enabled for up to 2 rear Packetron modules (hardware modules and applications sold separately). Includes License for 16 ports of 40/100Gb, 8 ports of 10/25Gb. Transceivers sold and ordered separately. |
4540-MN-16P-DC | 4540 main chassis DC, includes two field replaceable power supply units and two field replaceable fan units. Supports 28 ports of 40/100Gb and 8 ports of 10/25Gb. OVP Enabled for up to 2 rear Packetron modules (hardware modules and applications sold separately). Includes License for 16 ports of 40/100Gb, 8 ports of 10/25Gb. Transceivers sold and ordered separately. |
4540-LC-28P | 4540 license upgrade to activate ports 17 through 28 (40/100GbE) |
FXD-PKTRN-A-L1 | Packetron processor acceleration module. Rear module. Up to 100Gbps processing. Includes Packet Slicing software licensing. 64GB RAM. 1T SSD, for FixedBroker product line. |
FXD-PKTRN-A-H1 | Packetron processor acceleration module. Rear module. Up to 100Gbps processing. Includes Packet Slicing software licensing. 96GB RAM. 1TB SSD, for FixedBroker product line. |
ProfiTAP XX-720G /1800G /2800G 1/10/40/100G 網路流量複製器◆具48埠1/10/25G,6埠40/100G
◆License啟用埠,節省初期成本支出 -
Niagara 4248-6C 1/10/25/40/100G進階型網路流量複製器|導流器◆48埠1/10/25G,6埠40/100G
◆流量1:1轉 Netflow
◆GTP Correlation -
◆VLAN Tag/De-Tag、QinQ、MPLS