Network Critical SmartNA 1U模組式1G Network TAP Switch
Network Critical SmartNA™ 模組化TAP Switch系統
Smart Network Access (SmartNA™) System系 統是目前市場上最靈活,最可依照客戶需求自訂的TAP解決方案。支援1G乙太網路,作為SmartNA Portable的進階版本,它旨在作為便攜式解決方案以及針對任何資料中心訂製的解決方案,其模組式TAP可以隨客戶需求介面數量多寡彈性調整,客 戶若 初期僅有一進兩出的TAP需求,可以先使用SmartNA Portable,當介面數不敷使用,可以更換成1U機箱並增加模組數量,模組已可升級為流量可跨越機箱背板的V4版本模組,或具備過濾功能的V6模 組, 使得客戶初期的投資得以延續使用而不浪費。
SmartNA™ Chassis機箱:
所有SmartNA™機箱都是用來容納任何SmartNA™ TAP模組的。 這種靈活性允許您根據您的具體規格自訂您的TAP解決方案,同時仍然有擴展空間。
1U流量匯聚和過濾的機箱 - 設計擁有4個TAP Switch模組,背板可讓所有模組的流量跨越其間,進行流量匯聚、封包過濾,支援完整的SNMP和Web GUI以進行功能設定。
藉由提供豐富功能,SmartNA 1U機箱是當今TAP市場上運用最靈活的機箱。最多可容納四個SmartNA TAP switch模組和一個SmartNA管理/擴充模組,這個1U設備能讓您安心地將TAP Switch解決方案永久跨接在數據中心的線路上,同時,透過管理軟體控制,仍然可以調整出不同的資料與監控埠的組合變化,完全靈活而彈性的運用。
SmartNA 1U機箱透過背板,能夠在TAP模組之間匯聚和重製流量,或選購封包過濾模組,可使用TAP Switch功能跨接多達八個網絡鏈路,並將所有擷取的封包匯聚到單個監控端口或TAP單個鏈路,並將流量重製至多達14個監控端口。由於 SmartNA 系統中的每個TAP Switch模組都是完全可被自訂的,因此能滿足資料中心的特定需求,設定系統以有無盡的可能性。
SmartNA 1U機箱在封包匯聚/重製背板流量的分流規則是無限制的。此功能允許您匯聚來自某些或所有模組化TAP的流量,並將其從部分或全部監控埠發回。由於模 組完 全可配置成TAP埠,SPAN埠或監控埠,市場上運用最靈活的方案。
SmartNA™ Module 資料模組:
所有TAP模組均可熱插拔,完全可設定,可提供銅纜、單模光纖、多模光纖或SFP 插槽(Slot)。
Breakout/Aggregation/Regeneration 模組- 流量輸出可設置為分離複製(Breakout TAP),匯聚複製(Aggregation TAP)或重複複製(Regeneration TAP)等模式。模組依照使用背板的能力,分為V2/V4/V6三個版本:
- V2模組,封包僅限於模組內傳輸。
- V4模組,除V2功能之外,封包可以跨過1U機箱背板傳輸。
- V6模組,除V2/V4功能之外,可以針對封包Layer2-Layer4的資訊篩選封包。
特色 | 效益 |
高密度解決方案 | 提供低功耗,小尺寸的方式來接取網絡流量 |
Fail-safe 故障安全技術 | 不會對網絡導入故障點 |
可完整設定的模組 | 提供靈活、可自訂的TAP解決方案 |
過濾背板(在1U機箱上可用) | 在以下ID和協定的來源和/或目的封包上,過濾第2層、第3層或第4層流量:
匯聚背板(在1U機箱上可用) | 從多個TAP模組到背板的總流量,進行流量匯聚、複製或過濾 |
支援完整的SNMP(在1U機箱上可用) | 在連接的工具上發生網絡事件時發送警報 |
安全Web界面 | 透過易於使用的Web界面設定和管理整個系統 |
可用於銅纜、光纖或SFP介面的模組 | 輕鬆連接到各式不同介面的網絡工具 |
可熱插拔模組 | 輕鬆而便宜的進行升級或更換部件 |
較小的尺寸 | 節首資料中心中的能源與機架空間 |
收集100%的網絡流量 | 將所有封包傳遞到連接的設備 |
◆支援2/3/4 layer條件封包過濾
◆擷取所有OSI 7 layers封包
◆支援link failure propagation(LFP)
◆支援WEB GUI與指令CLI操作介面
SNAC1-AC: SmartNA™ 1U Chassis Dual AC PSU four 90mm TAP Module Slots & One 50mm Expansion Module Slot
SNAC1-DC: SmartNA™ 1U Chassis Dual -48v DC PSU four 90mm TAP Module Slots & one 50mm Expansion Module Slot
SNAE-RJ6v2: SmartNA™ Secure Copper Control Management Module
SNAE-RS: SmartNA™ Serial Control/Expansion Module Serial Connector
TAP模組:(Version 4)
SNAM-RJRJ4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable 10/100/1000 Copper Module with (4) RJ-45 Ports
SNAM-RJSF4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable 10/100/1000 Copper Module with (2) RJ-45 ports & (2) SFP Cages
SNAM-MCRJ4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Passive Fibre TAP Module with (2) 1000Base-SX Multi-mode fibre ports (designed with optical splitters) & (2) Copper RJ-45 Ports
SNAM-MCSF4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Passive TAP Module with (2) 1000Base-SX Multi-mode fibre ports (designed with optical splitters) & (2) SFP Cages
SNAM-MPRJ4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base-SX Multi-mode fibre ports & (2) Copper RJ-45 Ports
SNAM-MPSF4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base-SX Multi-mode fibre ports & (2) SFP Cages
SNAM-SCRJ4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Passive TAP Module with (2) 1000Base-LX Single mode fibre ports (designed with optical splitters) & (2) Copper RJ-45 Ports
SNAM-SCSF4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Passive TAP Module with (2) 1000Base-LX Single mode fibre ports (designed with optical splitters) & (2) SFP Ports
SNAM-SPRJ4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base-LX Single mode fibre ports & (2) Copper RJ-45 Ports
SNAM-SPSF4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base-LX Single mode fibre ports & (2) SFP Ports
TAP模組:(Version 6)
SNAM-RJRJ6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable 10/100/1000 Copper Module with (4) RJ‐45 ports, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-RJSF6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable 10/100/1000 Copper Module with (2) RJ‐45 ports & (2) SFP cages, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-MCRJ6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Passive Fibre TAP Module with (2) 1000Base‐SX Multi‐mode fibre ports & (2) Copper RJ‐45 Ports, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-MCSF6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Passive TAP Module with (2) 1000Base‐SX Multi‐mode fibre ports & (2) SFP cages, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-MPRJ6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base‐SX Multi‐mode fibre ports & (2) Copper RJ‐45 Ports, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-MPSF6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base‐SX Multi‐mode fibre ports & (2) SFP cages, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-SCRJ6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Passive TAP Module with (2) 1000Base‐LX Single mode fibre ports & (2) Copper RJ‐45 Ports, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-SCSF6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Passive TAP Module with (2) 1000Base‐LX Single mode fibre ports & (2) SFP Ports, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-SPRJ6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base‐LX Single mode fibre ports & (2) Copper RJ‐45 Ports, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-SPSF6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base‐LX Single mode fibre ports (designed with optical switches support Bi-Directional) & (2) SFP Ports, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
◆支援2/3/4 layer條件封包過濾
◆擷取所有OSI 7 layers封包
◆支援link failure propagation(LFP)
◆支援WEB GUI與指令CLI操作介面
SNAC1-AC: SmartNA™ 1U Chassis Dual AC PSU four 90mm TAP Module Slots & One 50mm Expansion Module Slot
SNAC1-DC: SmartNA™ 1U Chassis Dual -48v DC PSU four 90mm TAP Module Slots & one 50mm Expansion Module Slot
SNAE-RJ6v2: SmartNA™ Secure Copper Control Management Module
SNAE-RS: SmartNA™ Serial Control/Expansion Module Serial Connector
TAP模組:(Version 4)
SNAM-RJRJ4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable 10/100/1000 Copper Module with (4) RJ-45 Ports
SNAM-RJSF4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable 10/100/1000 Copper Module with (2) RJ-45 ports & (2) SFP Cages
SNAM-MCRJ4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Passive Fibre TAP Module with (2) 1000Base-SX Multi-mode fibre ports (designed with optical splitters) & (2) Copper RJ-45 Ports
SNAM-MCSF4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Passive TAP Module with (2) 1000Base-SX Multi-mode fibre ports (designed with optical splitters) & (2) SFP Cages
SNAM-MPRJ4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base-SX Multi-mode fibre ports & (2) Copper RJ-45 Ports
SNAM-MPSF4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base-SX Multi-mode fibre ports & (2) SFP Cages
SNAM-SCRJ4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Passive TAP Module with (2) 1000Base-LX Single mode fibre ports (designed with optical splitters) & (2) Copper RJ-45 Ports
SNAM-SCSF4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Passive TAP Module with (2) 1000Base-LX Single mode fibre ports (designed with optical splitters) & (2) SFP Ports
SNAM-SPRJ4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base-LX Single mode fibre ports & (2) Copper RJ-45 Ports
SNAM-SPSF4: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base-LX Single mode fibre ports & (2) SFP Ports
TAP模組:(Version 6)
SNAM-RJRJ6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable 10/100/1000 Copper Module with (4) RJ‐45 ports, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-RJSF6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable 10/100/1000 Copper Module with (2) RJ‐45 ports & (2) SFP cages, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-MCRJ6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Passive Fibre TAP Module with (2) 1000Base‐SX Multi‐mode fibre ports & (2) Copper RJ‐45 Ports, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-MCSF6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Passive TAP Module with (2) 1000Base‐SX Multi‐mode fibre ports & (2) SFP cages, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-MPRJ6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base‐SX Multi‐mode fibre ports & (2) Copper RJ‐45 Ports, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-MPSF6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base‐SX Multi‐mode fibre ports & (2) SFP cages, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-SCRJ6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Passive TAP Module with (2) 1000Base‐LX Single mode fibre ports & (2) Copper RJ‐45 Ports, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-SCSF6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Passive TAP Module with (2) 1000Base‐LX Single mode fibre ports & (2) SFP Ports, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-SPRJ6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base‐LX Single mode fibre ports & (2) Copper RJ‐45 Ports, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
SNAM-SPSF6: SmartNA™ Fully Configurable Fibre Module with (2) 1000Base‐LX Single mode fibre ports (designed with optical switches support Bi-Directional) & (2) SFP Ports, web interface for configuration, SNMP alerts and traffic filtering
ProfiShark 1G 10G 口袋型側錄式Network TAP◆2個1G或1/10G port
◆封包縮短(Packet Slicing)
◆奈秒ingress時間戳記 -
C1R 電介面 10G Network TAP 網路分流器
Network Critical SmartNA Portable 便攜式1G Network TAP Switch
DATACOM CTP-1000 10/100/1000BASE-T Network TAP 銅纜/電介面